
Memory:Reflect is an English Vtuber Group founded in January 2024.
We are not a company/agency. We strive on teamwork to bring the best of content to the viewers while allowing our members to pursue their biggest dreams.

Our Goals

Our goal is to support and help our members to forge themselves the path towards their dreams. We wish to learn from each other and prepare the best setup for success.Finally, we want to bring happiness and positive memories to everyone.Without memories, Memo:Re wouldn't exist.

Our socials!

Stay updated with all recent Memo:Re Events and News by joining the Official Twitter or the Community Discord!

Our Team


+ Team's Live2D rigger + asset artist


Yunako has been doing content creation since 2017. From artworks, music to video game content, she has done it all. She became a Vtuber in 2021 and a Live2D rigger in March 2022.

Team Artists


We are still looking for a manager or any skill that could help us!

Gen 1 : Dream Seekers

Q: Will Memo:Re take a cut of Members Earnings?

A: No. We do not plan on taking a cut as we aren't a company and won't be providing financial help for the most part.

Q: Will Members be required to sign a contract?

A: The only required documents to sign will a general internal group Terms of Service.
Any asset/services given by Memo:Re will have a personnalised T.O.S to agree and sign for the safety of our artists.
Your personal information will not be required.

Q: Do Members keep their models or will they be provided one?

A: We are adopting existing Vtubers, hence, we do not provide a model. However, if said Member is in need of a rig (or rig upgrade), we will provide this service to them at highly discounted price or free.

Q: Are Members required to have a 2D model or are 3D/PNGtuber also accepted?

A: We would prefer Live2D models as it will allow us to provide better services. However, if someone who doesn't own a 2D model has the potential and motivation to grow, we can and will accept them. To us, every content creator deserves a chance to shine.

Q: Which perks will Memo:Re provide to their Members?

A: We are planning to offer prioritized services to our Members (such as Live2D animations or visuals) from our Affiliated Artists. This will allow Members to get visuals or anything they need quickly. Depending the project, we can also offer some free services/discounted services. We also plan to guide them through their career by having many meetings and activites.
We will be providing servers for video games if needed. Currently, a minecraft server will be provided for the Members.
Lastly, we hope to bring them a safe place where they can express themselves comfortably and work in a favorable environment.
More information is displayed on the Audition page.

Q: How much freedom will your Members have over their content?

A: We wish to give our Members as much freedom as they want. If they require more help and management, we will provide it. If they wish to be more independant, this will be fine too.
We will not impose activities on our Members or force schedule. However, we still expect content to be produced 3 times a week minimum.
We DO expect Members to be open to collaborations and be open to work on projects with others.
The only limitation given to our Members would be oriented towards production of NSFW content. Suggestive content is accepted but straight NSFW content like sexualized activities or art is not favorable.
(For more information for NSFW fan work from community, check below!)

Q: Will Memo:Re have merchandise for their members?

A: Currently, we do not have the means to provide merch of our Members. However, it could change in the future. We are keeping an eye on it.

Q: Can I produce fan work of Memo:Re Members?

A: Yes, absolutely. You can post it on twitter and use the appropriate # so we can find it easily. We would love to see it!
Do make sure to respect the members boundaries when it comes to fan work!
NSFW fan work is absolutely allowed within the members boundaries.

Q: Can I clip Memo:Re Members and share them?

A: Yes, it would be great!You are allowed to share it as long as the Members are properly credited. Malicious clips (taken out of context) to portray the group and/or the Member in a bad light are prohibited.
When it comes to monetization of fan content, this will be up to each Member's wishes and Copyright laws. Since Memo:Re is not a company, we cannot bound them under the same conditions.


Memo:Re is looking for Vtubers willing to spend great time together and help each other on the road to the top!At Memo:Re, you can strive towards your goals with the support of other motivated content creators. Whatever your dream is, it is our mission to make it possible.Don't hesitate and try your chance!
Feeling hesitant? That's fine, there is more information below for what we can provide you.
Or click here to skip to Audition Requirements !

Members Support

1. Live2D Rigging

Members will be provided with Live2D rigging and animations for a highly discounted price.
We want to help our members create the content they dream of with affordable prices they would not find anywhere else.
We try to stay on top of the new technologies linked to Live2D Rigging and make our members have all the tools they need for them to strive comfortably.

2. Prioritized art and Assets

If an asset is required for the good continuation of the Member's activities, we will provide prioritized art and assets from our artists team.Members will be receiving services faster since they will be skipping the line on Affiliated Artists waitlist!We will also be making assets accessible to our Members like Live2D items, themed visuals and assets, gifs etc..

3. Weekly Meetings

We plan to have weekly reviews about channel statistics and trend popularity to learn and find what works the best for each one of our Members. We will be helping our Members to expand their exposure and knowledge in the category of content they want to grow in.Additionally, there will be weekly plans with clear and reachable goals. Each of our Members get to decide what is reacheable to them and we will help them get to this goal.
The plan is to make our Members have a steady and comfortable progress without the pressure of expectations.

4. Minecraft Server

Members will have free access to a Vanilla Minecraft server open 24/7. This server will be only accessible to our Members.
On demand, mods and plugins can be added in the future.

If needed in the future, we can also open different video games servers to allow for more collab diversity and more content opportunities.

5. Friendly and Fun Environment

We wish for everyone to become friends and have the greatest time while they are with Memo:Re.Memo:Re wants to become a friendly and comfortable working environment for all its Members.While Members will be allowed to keep their own community discord, we will provide a group discord to allow all communities to come together if they wish to.

Application requirements

  • Applicants must be 18 years old or older.

  • There is no gender requirements, meaning everyone regardless of gender can apply.

  • Applicants must speak English fluently. Other languages skills are welcome but we are primarily an English group.

  • You must be able to commit to content creation with our group for atleast 6 months with a minimum of 3 streams a week.

  • Applicants require proof of past content creation. This includes: Art, Music, Singing, Videos, Streams etc..

  • Be passionate and motivated to reach your goals! Applicants should have the desire to grow as a Virtual Content creator. Other interests are welcome!

  • Be capable of teamwork and the will of growing with others. We want to strive on supporting each other and learning together!

Audition T.O.S

  • Applicants must be 18 years old or older at the time of the audition.

  • Incomplete forms will be declined or greatly lower your chances. Make sure to answer all the questions!

  • Applicants must answer all questions as accurately as they can.

  • Sending multiple forms will not make your chances higher, but if you forget something on your form or feel like you can better showcase yourself. Feel free to send another one. Memo:Re will review all of the applications, even duplicates.

  • The whole audition process (including all phases from sending the form, being chosen to passing the interview) will take approximately 2 months. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for an answer and be ready for interview in that timeframe.

  • We will only contact the chosen members within a week after the end of the auditions.

Application deadline: CLOSED

Memo:Re is open to receiving any inquiry you might have towards the group.Feel free to contact us for any questions, feedback or inquiries you wish to transmit to us!

If the inquiry is a collaboration or sponsor of any kind, please contact us via email. We will normally respond within a week.

You can contact us via our Twitter DMs (@MemoryReflect) or through the form down below. Our discord is also open for most of your needs including sharing art, feedback or anything you might want to say!

Or send us an email through this form!

Special Thanks


Special thanks to SaloSlayer for founding most of the current assets of Memo:Re and being a huge supporter.(Also, don't ask why he wanted that pic. I dont know.)